Weekends vs. Industry Nights.
On the weekends, virtually all of the clubs are open. On the weekdays (Industry Nights), only specific clubs are open on each day. Vegas is driven by tourism and there aren't enough visitors on the weekdays to go around so rather than having all the clubs compete with each other, only specific clubs are open each day of the week. As you probably already know, weekends are better. Generally speaking, tourists are much easier to game. They are in Vegas to have fun, socialize, and have their crazy moments because its Vegas and they can.
On the weekdays, there are less tourists. However, you will notice a LOT of hot girls on the weekdays, perhaps even with higher ratio per density than the weekends. This can be a false illusion. A lot of these girls are hired guns that are on their off day because every hot girl works on the weekends; its their money making days. They can be cocktail waitresses, bartenders, dancers, and yes, even hookers. Because they are locals with connections, they inevitably always have hookups to tables and bottle service. Its not to say you can't game these girls... they are a lot HARDER. These girls live in Vegas, seen it all, been hit on a million times every week, probably been taken advantage of by many dudes when they first moved to Vegas and learned their lesson. A lot of girls are looking for a rich guy to take care of them. Vegas will do that to ya. More about this on a later time. In a nutshell, weekends are better.
Best Days for Pickup
In order from best to least
Saturday - Obviously the busiest and best day of the week
Friday - Close 2nd
Sunday - Still some tourists remaining
Monday & Wed - Marquee Mondays and Surrender/Light Wed are decent because of the venues
Tuesday & Thurs - Probably the two worst nights to go out
Best Clubs Each Day of the Week
Its not just a battle of the clubs anymore but also a battle of the DJs. Although my top picks are for XS and Marquee, a popular DJ like Calvin Harris, Tiesto, Krewella can significantly make all the hot girls to go Hakkasan or Light. The latter two clubs have some of the hottest girls, but the venue makes it less ideal for pickup. More on that in the next section.
Friday - XS, Marquee, Hakkasan, Light
Saturday - XS, Marquee, Hakkasan, Light
Sunday - XS or Hakkasan (if XS closes the patio, go to Hakkasan)
Monday - Marquee (almost always)
Tuesday - Hyde or Pure
Wednesday - Surrender or Light
Thursday - Tao or Hakkasan
Review of Each Club
For each club, I will give a summary plus a rating out of 5 for the following attributes
Size - size and also capacity of the club
Patio - size of the patio
Talkability - quieter areas that allow you to talk
Brightness - ambient lighting so you can actually see people
Isolation Spots - places you can take a girl to isolate or sit down; usually concrete edges around plants
Parking - parking logistics and distance to the club from the parking lot (if you drive)
XS (Encore) (Ranked #4 in Revenue)
My all time favorite club. When this place is packed. Its heaven. It has the largest patio of any club in Vegas making it great for conversation. During the winter slow season, the patio may be limited. During the summer months, this place can have upwards of 4 to 5 thousand people. The outside patio is a circle and the inner dance floor is also a circle, making a figure 8 shape. You can loop this figure 8 looking for sets which ensures you to not bump into the same sets over again. Even the indoor areas have walkways between tables which allows you to open girls who are in tables. Its slightly on the decline especially in the winter months. Hakkasan and Light is dicking them over by drawing too many talented DJs. Also because of the winter weather, the patio is usually limited or closed off.

Size: 5
Patio: 5
Talkability: 5
Brightness: 5
Isolation Spots: 5
Parking: 5 (use east side parking)
Marquee (Cosmopolitan) (Ranked #3 in Revenue)
This is my close second favorite club. It also houses a patio outside. They recently put a green house dome over the patio so that it still stays warm over the winter. Its one of my go to places when its cold. The indoor is smaller and the layout makes it challenging to open sets that are in tables because they are double layered in a circle formation facing the dance floor. The outer table has the back facing the walkway and the inner table is directly touching the dance floor. The areas are roped off with bouncers guarding it.

Patio: 4
Talkability: 5
Brightness: 5
Isolation Spots: 4
Parking: 4
Hakkasan (MGM) (Ranked #1 in Revenue)
The biggest new mega club. It always has the hottest DJs. Apparently the Hong Kong investor for the club just wanted to fuck all the other clubs over so he decided to pay $100k - 200k every night for Calvin Harris and Tiesto to play. On average, it probably also has the most hottest girls of any club. The down side? Its dark, its loud, there is no patio, and its hard as fuck to game.

Patio: 0
Talkability: 1
Brightness: 2
Isolation Spots: 2
Parking: 2
Its also one of the newer clubs. The club has a very simple design... its basically a rectangle. Its known for its 4 big LCD screen that look like 4 theater screens put together. It has the best visuals and attracts a lot of EDM fans. The quality of girls are decent however its downside is similar to Hakkasan and its smaller.

Patio: 0
Talkability: 1
Brightness: 2
Isolation Spots: 1
Parking: 4
Surrender (Encore)
What I like about this club is that its almost entirely an outdoor patio with swimming pools in between. Its not my top pick on the weekends but its great on Wednesdays especially during the summer because they have night time pool parties. Its very conducive to conversations.
Size: 4
Patio: 5
Talkability: 5
Brightness: 5
Isolation Spots: 5
Parking: 5
Tao (Venetian)
I have never liked this club. Its dark, crammed, and loud as fuck. The layout looks like it was designed by 3rd grader. The quality of girls aren't that great either. Its still one of the larger clubs but its declining. The only good thing is they got the Grand Luxe Cafe in the Venetian which is open 24/7 and you can eat there and talk about how shitty your night was because you decided to go to Tao.
Size: 4
Patio: 0
Talkability: 2
Brightness: 1
Isolation Spots: 1
Parking: 2
Hyde is a small and somewhat exclusive club. There are hot girls there but its almost ALL TABLES inside making it hard to game girls within tables. Its also really loud. Would only ever consider going here if you're stuck in Vegas on a Tuesday.
Size: 2
Patio: 0
Talkability: 2
Brightness: 2
Isolation Spots: 1
Parking: 3
This was cool back in like 2005 but now its a piece of shit. The quality of girls is terribad. The only time you would ever go here is if its a Tuesday night and you don't want to deal with industry girls at Hyde. Its such shit, I'm not even going to give it ratings.
Unless you have a special reason, don't bother. All the hot girls know where the cool clubs are so they are all flocking to the same places.