I don't talk about it much these days but I used to be a hardcore gamer (still am). Played over 10,000 games of Starcraft, had a level 95 Paladin from Diablo 2, played a few thousand games of Heroes of Newerth, a few thousand hours of Team Fortress Classic and Team Fortress 2 along with huge list of other games.
Occasionally, I still watch gaming videos on YouTube. I came across this video and WOW, strong FEELS in this one. I was trying to stay alpha but it brought a tear to my eyes. I thought I had a rough childhood with physical Asian parents who were never satisfied with my achievements and also never having any friends back in high school. I am not anywhere near this guy! Once I started doing pickup and saw success, I realized I was just being a little bitch and I didn't have it that bad. I would say the same applies to my students. I have had a few hard cases but no one comes near this guy.
Anyway watch the video:
He ends up marrying this girl... not bad!
Yay, happily ever after. Now lets tie this back into pickup. Here we have a morbidly obese guy, marrying what you would consider a very attractive girl. If assessing purely on looks, the guy hit the jackpot. You could say looks don't matter. Well yes and no. What people don't realize is that girls value different traits and assign different levels of importance to them. Every girl is different.
To some girls, being funny is very important but having a six pack is not. To some girls, money is important, but personality is not. To some girls, its more important to have a strong common interest above all else. I think when people refer pickup as a numbers game, it means that there are certain probabilities of girls who value certain traits over other traits. Now, certain qualities are more universal than others for example most girls like fit bodies than fat bodies. I have actually met girls who have chubby fetishes and have literally told me that I didn't have the body type for them. Although the percentages of the general population with chubby fetishes are small, they still exist, and its still a numbers game where I had the disadvantage for that particular set. When she told me that, I was like WTF!? Some times I would play the worst game possible and the girl would magically love me for no reason. Some times I would play phenomenally solid game, be with the girl for 2 hours and I don't get a call back the next day. I would still recommend you play solid game all the time, but some times girls would randomly like you.
I have seen many of this guy's videos and I would consider him a funny mother fucker. He is also a very avid gamer so he is probably respected among his peers as well as having a huge fan base. I would assume that his girl values humor and common interest above sheer physical aesthetics.
So in theory, you COULD be yourself, not change anything at all... and still get girls (assuming you have a few positive traits). Is it optimal against the general population? Absolutely not. You may ask... how does this guy cope with his disadvantages and highlight his strengths? The answer is simple. Hes got 2 million fucking subscribers on YouTube. Even if 1% of his viewers were females, that would still be 20,000 females. And if only 1% had a fetish for funny chubby guys, he would STILL have 200 girls potentially interested in him.
Now, I'm not telling you all to get 2 million subscribers in hopes of finding girls, but what I am telling you is that having common interest is a strong way to meet people. Furthermore, finding a means to reach out to girls is also very important. I have had students who can't approach worth shit but are able to meet a ton of girls because of what they do. One guy teaches acrobatic yoga. His authoritative position plus the fact hes always hands on with the girls lets him get dates really easily. I have other students who are artists and musicians. I don't even need to explain for you to figure out why this helps them get girls.
Cold approach is still the bread and butter, the holy grail of learning this stuff. It lets you make mistakes with no consequence. It forces you plow through bitchy girls and strike conversations with girls who absolutely don't want to have anything to do with you. However, once you start getting decent with cold approach and you're seriously trying to find the right girl, there are more efficient and better means than approaching purely random chicks from clubs. Seriously, I am so sick of pretending to be interested in chicks who work in retail and chicks who study psychology, communication, sociology. Shoot my brain please.