Thursday, August 7, 2014
New Website and Hour Long Pull Video
Sorry for not updating this blog the last few weeks. I been busy working on a new website and also I've been editing this hour and 20 minute long pull video from beginning to end. The blurring is taking forever and I am working on the captioning which is also very time consuming. I'm targeting to get everything out in a month or so. In the mean time, enjoy the weekly videos. I'm trying to get 2 per week now.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Quick Pickup Tip #3 - Escalators, Elevators, Store Entrances
Especially during day game, try to predict where the girl is heading. Anticipate and avoid opening near obstacles like escalators, elevators, and entrances to shops.
This is probably a no-brainer once you think about it but I see it happen a lot with students. If you open right in front of an escalator, it is a disruption. People tend to not want to block other people and therefore she has pressure to move out of the way. This combined with a day game non social environment makes it twice as hard to stop a set. You want to stop a girl right away during the opening otherwise you end up following her around like a creeper.
If you anticipate her heading towards an escalator or the entrance of a store, either run and catch up to her BEFORE she gets to the escalator (at least 15 feet prior) OR you keep your distance and wait till both of you are off the escalator, walk another 15 feet and THEN approach.
This is probably a no-brainer once you think about it but I see it happen a lot with students. If you open right in front of an escalator, it is a disruption. People tend to not want to block other people and therefore she has pressure to move out of the way. This combined with a day game non social environment makes it twice as hard to stop a set. You want to stop a girl right away during the opening otherwise you end up following her around like a creeper.
If you anticipate her heading towards an escalator or the entrance of a store, either run and catch up to her BEFORE she gets to the escalator (at least 15 feet prior) OR you keep your distance and wait till both of you are off the escalator, walk another 15 feet and THEN approach.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
How To Look Sexy and Confident In Pictures
For all you guys who love PlentyofFish, OkCupid, Match, Tinder, Instagram, and Facebook game... here is a great video on how to make your face photogenic and get more dates.
Peter Hurley is one of my few top Photographers on YouTube. This video shows a great facial technique and it only takes a few minutes to perfect.
And remember, take multiple pictures with slight angle changes and facial tweaks. Pick the best one from many pictures. Girls do it all the time, why can't you?
Peter Hurley is one of my few top Photographers on YouTube. This video shows a great facial technique and it only takes a few minutes to perfect.
And remember, take multiple pictures with slight angle changes and facial tweaks. Pick the best one from many pictures. Girls do it all the time, why can't you?
Monday, June 16, 2014
Common Sense On Seeking Advice
I would say I'm a pretty nice guy. My level of trolling in real life is probably 100 fold less than online... at least with people I know or people I perceive as generally nice or sincere. I wouldn't say I am famous... far from it... but usually on a night out in a Vegas club, I get called out maybe a few times. Even when I am maxed out with 3 students, I will still take a few minutes to say hi and have a quick chat. Usually people ask if I am Squattincassanova and mention a few things in a particular video they like and they share some info about themselves. I give them a few tips and so forth.
Then, you also get guys shown in the example below.
Seriously, WTF is this shit? If you want knowledge / value / feedback from someone, its common sense to do some background research and at least show to that person that you are serious and committed. Its just common courtesy.
Lets say for an example that you're applying for med school and you go to a particular university and the interviewer asks you about why you want to apply at this university and you didn't even know the name of the fucking school let alone why you like it. Is that a slap in the face or what?
This is why so many pickup guys fail. They do very little background work or provide value themselves and they expect other people to just provide endless value in return. A lot of times its a "me me me" mentality. This is the very reason why guys who are good with game are always driven away from lairs.
On the flip side, there are also people who do background research, read my blogs, figure out what I want, and in exchange offer value in other forms whether its marketing, interning, video work, various other forms of knowledge that I don't have. I will admit, there are a lot of things in this world that I don't know much about. I have noticed that a lot of guys who do pickup coaching end up with hanging out and mingling with other successful people who initially don't have game but have strengths in other areas such as business, marketing, and other entrepreneurship.
The other thing I have noticed is that people who are willing to pay for bootcamps generally are BETTER people to hang out with and coach than people who expect it for free. The average person who had paid for my bootcamp has been significantly better quality than the average guys I meet in lairs and I have been to a lot of lairs. Why is this the case? They are investing money, time, and also travel so they are likely to be more serious. They tend to be more hard working and are more career oriented. They are likely to be doing something with their lives.
So in a nutshell, the next time when seeking advice from people, give them some respect by doing some background work and think of certain strengths that you have and offer value so that its a win/win situation. This guy above asked me how he can search for me on YouTube when my fucking link is on my Facebook profile and not to mention my Facebook name is the exact same as my YouTube channel and my location is listed on Facebook as well.
Then, you also get guys shown in the example below.
Seriously, WTF is this shit? If you want knowledge / value / feedback from someone, its common sense to do some background research and at least show to that person that you are serious and committed. Its just common courtesy.
Lets say for an example that you're applying for med school and you go to a particular university and the interviewer asks you about why you want to apply at this university and you didn't even know the name of the fucking school let alone why you like it. Is that a slap in the face or what?
This is why so many pickup guys fail. They do very little background work or provide value themselves and they expect other people to just provide endless value in return. A lot of times its a "me me me" mentality. This is the very reason why guys who are good with game are always driven away from lairs.
On the flip side, there are also people who do background research, read my blogs, figure out what I want, and in exchange offer value in other forms whether its marketing, interning, video work, various other forms of knowledge that I don't have. I will admit, there are a lot of things in this world that I don't know much about. I have noticed that a lot of guys who do pickup coaching end up with hanging out and mingling with other successful people who initially don't have game but have strengths in other areas such as business, marketing, and other entrepreneurship.
The other thing I have noticed is that people who are willing to pay for bootcamps generally are BETTER people to hang out with and coach than people who expect it for free. The average person who had paid for my bootcamp has been significantly better quality than the average guys I meet in lairs and I have been to a lot of lairs. Why is this the case? They are investing money, time, and also travel so they are likely to be more serious. They tend to be more hard working and are more career oriented. They are likely to be doing something with their lives.
So in a nutshell, the next time when seeking advice from people, give them some respect by doing some background work and think of certain strengths that you have and offer value so that its a win/win situation. This guy above asked me how he can search for me on YouTube when my fucking link is on my Facebook profile and not to mention my Facebook name is the exact same as my YouTube channel and my location is listed on Facebook as well.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Taboo - Best Game To Improve Verbals

Its both word association and concept associate at the same time. You try to get your friend to guess a word without using the 5 most common words listed on the card. It forces you to use synonyms, ideas, concepts to help your friend guess the word.
The video does a good job at explaining.
Here is another example.
Word is: Camera
You can't use the following words:
So what are ways to get around these words? You quickly start generating a few ideas. No camera manufacturers are listed so you can start by those.
- Nikon
- Canon
- Sony
- Megapixels
- Resolution
- Aperture
- Shutter Speed
- Focus
- Lighting
- White Balance
- Lens
- Flash
- Batteries
- LCD Screen
- Timer
- Tripod
- Filters
- Ansel Adams
- Peter Lik
- Flickr
- Picasa
- Lightroom
I'm obviously going overboard to make some extra examples. Hopefully your teammate should have guessed this a long time ago. If not, punch him in the face and make some smarter friends. Hopefully this example I provided shows how a simple board game can drastically improve your verbal and mental ability to network many words, ideas, and concepts. Its great for making your conversations more interesting, more specific, and you never run out of things to say.
Find a group of 4 or more friends and do this on a chill night. Girls are welcome too so it doesn't have to be a circle jerk of pickup guys.
Link below if you want to get one:
Link below if you want to get one:
Monday, June 2, 2014
Quick Pickup Tip #2
If you're pulling a girl and she lost her phone or her phone battery died or her friend has her phone and its seriously distracting her and affecting your ability to pull, one option is to quickly offer to get her friends number and assure her that she can contact her friends if she needs to get a hold of them. Then attempt to isolate her and go for the pull.
Reason & Background Story:
I don't know what it is but almost on a nightly basis, I find girls losing their phone, dropping their phone, or getting it stolen. Its happened so many times where friends and students of mine were in set and the girl loses the phone and the set was going well but then it completely goes to shit. Maybe its because they are clumsy, maybe its because girls don't wear pants with pockets, or maybe they are dancing too much with their purse flaps open making it easy targets for thieves.
If a girl loses her phone, its probably a big ordeal and the advice here may not always work. However, if her battery dies or her friend has her phone, this tactic works pretty well. Just 2 weeks ago, my student was with a girl who was down but her friend had her phone. She agreed to leave with us once she finds her friend who had the phone. However, after walking 5 minutes around the club, she could not find the specific friend who had her phone but she bumped into her other guy friends who were also there. Being worried that her buying temperature would drop after walking around looking for her phone so much, I suggested my student to number close the guy friend that she was there with. I convinced the girl that her phone was safe with her other friend and that if we needed to get a hold of them, we can communicate via the guy friend. Now obviously shes not likely going to ever use this number, but its one of those split second moments where as long as she feels "okay", she will go with it. Needless to say, I drove them both back to my condo and he closed her on the bathroom floor. Thanks for not getting anything on my couch LOL!
Funny thing was, my student was escalating slowly and the girl literally said "Well... I got to get back to my friends soon so lets get this over with (aka sex)". My student was like "Wow! cool". She was a Filipino girl. My experience is that Filipino girls almost never have last minute resistance and they pretty much have sex on the first date. I can recall countless times where that's happened as well as from other friends. Do any of you readers agree?

Reason & Background Story:
I don't know what it is but almost on a nightly basis, I find girls losing their phone, dropping their phone, or getting it stolen. Its happened so many times where friends and students of mine were in set and the girl loses the phone and the set was going well but then it completely goes to shit. Maybe its because they are clumsy, maybe its because girls don't wear pants with pockets, or maybe they are dancing too much with their purse flaps open making it easy targets for thieves.
If a girl loses her phone, its probably a big ordeal and the advice here may not always work. However, if her battery dies or her friend has her phone, this tactic works pretty well. Just 2 weeks ago, my student was with a girl who was down but her friend had her phone. She agreed to leave with us once she finds her friend who had the phone. However, after walking 5 minutes around the club, she could not find the specific friend who had her phone but she bumped into her other guy friends who were also there. Being worried that her buying temperature would drop after walking around looking for her phone so much, I suggested my student to number close the guy friend that she was there with. I convinced the girl that her phone was safe with her other friend and that if we needed to get a hold of them, we can communicate via the guy friend. Now obviously shes not likely going to ever use this number, but its one of those split second moments where as long as she feels "okay", she will go with it. Needless to say, I drove them both back to my condo and he closed her on the bathroom floor. Thanks for not getting anything on my couch LOL!
Funny thing was, my student was escalating slowly and the girl literally said "Well... I got to get back to my friends soon so lets get this over with (aka sex)". My student was like "Wow! cool". She was a Filipino girl. My experience is that Filipino girls almost never have last minute resistance and they pretty much have sex on the first date. I can recall countless times where that's happened as well as from other friends. Do any of you readers agree?
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Black Girls
I used to do some what of online game. Not so much anymore because too many poverty chicks and so much Myspace angles. One thing I noticed is that I get hit on by Black girls many orders of magnitude higher than any other race, even Asians!
This either leads me to conclude that Black girls either...
- Like Asians
- Like buff guys
- Or are just aggressive and are proactively reaching out to everyone
- Or a combination of above options
Take a look at my Tinder for instance. I use a program called Tinder Auto-Liker (a program that automatically likes every girl) and this is what I get. Of the 8 girls on the first page. I get...
- 4 Black girls
- 3 Asian girls
- 1 White girl
Black girls are roughly 10% of the girl population and yet they are 50% of all matches.
I'm not exactly into Black girls but I seriously think that a lot of them like Asian men. One of my students also just recently closed a Black girl. I don't really know the underlying reasons, I can only show my observations.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Elliot Rodgers And Importance of Getting Laid
Thank God this guy didn't take a bootcamp with me. A Vegas nightclub would have been a very target rich environment. My jeans are too tight and I have way too much camera gear in my pockets to run very fast.
I've had guys with 1000x more challenges than Elliot and still get laid. I have guys who were 5'2 get laid. I have had guys who spoke poor English get laid. I have had guys who lived with their parents get laid. Then you have this guy.... pretty face, rich, famous dad, and lives in a city with nothing but hot college girls next to one biggest party schools in the country. What a loser.
It is my honest belief that anybody can get laid in less than a year (most people a lot less) if you're serious about it and you hang out with the right people and you have no serious mental or physical condition. If you approach enough girls, even if you were terrible with game, statistically speaking, its inevitable you will get laid. I would bet 1000$ that Elliot has not cold approached 1000 girls in his lifetime. A thousand approaches could have been accomplished in less than 6 months. If you had gotten laid every 6 months, over a 20 year period, that would have been 40 women. The average man has 7 partners his whole life and even at that rate, its a 600% increase.
I seriously believe that getting laid just makes you a lot more of a chill person. I used to be hater myself. My roommate was a good looking natural back in 2008 and I would always hear him bring back hot girls and fucking across the wall. I would always be pissed off and put on my headphones and go back to playing TF2.
Present day... if you get laid, I'm happy for you. Congrats! Just don't get any stains in my condo or car. The problem with current YouTube videos is that people think pickup should be easy or a cake walk. They think that they can read a book can be picking up 10's. Stop being so damn picky starting off. If you're a 5, be happy finding a girl who is also an HB5! In the long term, work your way to becoming a 10 yourself, and try to get an HB10.
Don't tie ego to the quality of the girl you get. Just get the lay for the sake of reference experience. Trust me, I have seen some PUA coaches bag some ugly ass chicks. Just look at the following picture. My gawd she has more craters on her face than IO, the moon of Jupiter. If you knew there were "MPUAs" still going after female Danny Trejo's, don't put so much pressure on yourself!
I also know plenty of amazingly good looking guy friends who have pulled hideous girls. I'm talking guys who look like Chris Hemsworth pulling Rosie O'Donnell look-alikes. Obviously as you get better in game, strive for higher quality. However, if you have gotten less than 5 lays from cold approach pickup, you really shouldn't be so picky and opting out of freebies. The reference experience of actually pulling and escalating is very valuable for when you actually meet a girl in the future that you really like. By then, things should be automatic because you have done it before, you can actually enjoy the moment while managing logistics instead of micromanaging everything. For guys with inner game issues, getting laid in itself will do more in one night than months of meditation and affirmations.
Inb4 "squattincassanova promotes talking to ugly girls" in the comments section.
I've had guys with 1000x more challenges than Elliot and still get laid. I have guys who were 5'2 get laid. I have had guys who spoke poor English get laid. I have had guys who lived with their parents get laid. Then you have this guy.... pretty face, rich, famous dad, and lives in a city with nothing but hot college girls next to one biggest party schools in the country. What a loser.
It is my honest belief that anybody can get laid in less than a year (most people a lot less) if you're serious about it and you hang out with the right people and you have no serious mental or physical condition. If you approach enough girls, even if you were terrible with game, statistically speaking, its inevitable you will get laid. I would bet 1000$ that Elliot has not cold approached 1000 girls in his lifetime. A thousand approaches could have been accomplished in less than 6 months. If you had gotten laid every 6 months, over a 20 year period, that would have been 40 women. The average man has 7 partners his whole life and even at that rate, its a 600% increase.
I seriously believe that getting laid just makes you a lot more of a chill person. I used to be hater myself. My roommate was a good looking natural back in 2008 and I would always hear him bring back hot girls and fucking across the wall. I would always be pissed off and put on my headphones and go back to playing TF2.
Present day... if you get laid, I'm happy for you. Congrats! Just don't get any stains in my condo or car. The problem with current YouTube videos is that people think pickup should be easy or a cake walk. They think that they can read a book can be picking up 10's. Stop being so damn picky starting off. If you're a 5, be happy finding a girl who is also an HB5! In the long term, work your way to becoming a 10 yourself, and try to get an HB10.
Don't tie ego to the quality of the girl you get. Just get the lay for the sake of reference experience. Trust me, I have seen some PUA coaches bag some ugly ass chicks. Just look at the following picture. My gawd she has more craters on her face than IO, the moon of Jupiter. If you knew there were "MPUAs" still going after female Danny Trejo's, don't put so much pressure on yourself!
I also know plenty of amazingly good looking guy friends who have pulled hideous girls. I'm talking guys who look like Chris Hemsworth pulling Rosie O'Donnell look-alikes. Obviously as you get better in game, strive for higher quality. However, if you have gotten less than 5 lays from cold approach pickup, you really shouldn't be so picky and opting out of freebies. The reference experience of actually pulling and escalating is very valuable for when you actually meet a girl in the future that you really like. By then, things should be automatic because you have done it before, you can actually enjoy the moment while managing logistics instead of micromanaging everything. For guys with inner game issues, getting laid in itself will do more in one night than months of meditation and affirmations.
Inb4 "squattincassanova promotes talking to ugly girls" in the comments section.
Friday, May 23, 2014
New Drai's Beach Club / Night Club in Vegas
They just opened another huge nightclub in Vegas. My fear is that its spreading the crowd too thin. A few years ago it was just XS and Marquee. Now, there are 5 mega clubs competing and Hakkasan and Light are terrible for pickup.
The new Drai's will be fairly interesting. I will need to check it out myself. First impressions is that its an outside patio which means its good for pickup. However, by looking at the space and floor layout, its almost ALL tables or cabanas. This is a bad thing because there is not a lot of areas to stand for those of us peasants who can't afford $10,000 a night tables. Anyways, I'll check it out within the next few weeks and post my experiences.
The new Drai's will be fairly interesting. I will need to check it out myself. First impressions is that its an outside patio which means its good for pickup. However, by looking at the space and floor layout, its almost ALL tables or cabanas. This is a bad thing because there is not a lot of areas to stand for those of us peasants who can't afford $10,000 a night tables. Anyways, I'll check it out within the next few weeks and post my experiences.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Take Your Girl to This Show And You Will Get Laid
Actually I take that back. For you to take a girl to see this show, it probably shouldn't be a first date sort of thing. She should probably be some girl you actually really like and hopefully someone you already closed before because the tickets are between 50 to 120 dollars. The show is Zumanity.
My roommate (former student) was going away to Chicago to be a residency doctor so me, my girl, and my roommate went to see this show. Holy fuark this was probably the most epic and sexiest thing I've ever seen.
It's the only Cirque Du Soleil show with nudity. Most of the girls are topless in their acrobatic performances. There were a lot of sexual humor as well as sexual themed dances and music. The show just sets the mood for later. I don't get paid for advertising this; I just wanted to share because it was so amazing.
Look, shes wearing tits... and that dude is wearing a flower!
My roommate (former student) was going away to Chicago to be a residency doctor so me, my girl, and my roommate went to see this show. Holy fuark this was probably the most epic and sexiest thing I've ever seen.
It's the only Cirque Du Soleil show with nudity. Most of the girls are topless in their acrobatic performances. There were a lot of sexual humor as well as sexual themed dances and music. The show just sets the mood for later. I don't get paid for advertising this; I just wanted to share because it was so amazing.
Look, shes wearing tits... and that dude is wearing a flower!
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Lessons Learned - PUA's Viral Video in Asia
If you read any PUA forum, WorldStarHipHop, forum, Facebook groups, or even the comments in my page, you most likely have come across this video. This video became viral a few days ago reaching over a million views. If you skim over the video without really doing background research, it appears at the beginning of the video... one girl is with an Asian guy and another girl (friends of the first girl) is with a White guy. Then a few minutes in, the second White
guy steals the girl from the Asian guy. In the end, both Asian girls get pulled by the two White guys. The title of the video is called "Guy Steals Girl From Chinese Guy".
As you can see, this video stirs up a shit storm, shows up on tons of Asian forums, magazines, newspapers and other media sites. With this many views, internet detectives quickly find the identity of everyone in the video, both guys and girls. The White guys get a lot of threats and hate mail, the girls are humiliated.
Some of the comments revolved around the topics of:
- Filming without permission, invasion of privacy
- Race, objectifying and preying on Asian women
- Projecting Asian guys to be weak
- Picking up Asian girls as White guy as being easy
Obviously, a lot of this revolves around race. However, lets discuss some of these issues and lessons learned.
I actually know the guy in the video because I know every PUA on the planet and I would consider him a friend. His name is David, a pretty hard follower of RSD. He found my YouTube channel a while back, contacted me. We did some day game together. He also quit his day job around the time when I was planning on doing a road trip. We ended up doing a 30 day road trip across countries hitting up clubs in Scottsdale, Dallas, Austin, Miami, New York, and Chicago.

We have some similarities but also a lot of differences in terms of pickup and life. He was very passionate about pickup theory, concepts, mindset, and would ramble on for hours about RSD Tyler's videos in the car to the point where my head explodes! Hes one of those guys that would talk about pickup all the time and pretty much nothing else. I on the other hand can't handle all the PUA talk (ironic considering I teach pickup). Sometimes I just want to hear a funny story, or find something interesting about a city, eat delicious food, or expand my travel experiences.
We also preferred different girls. He likes strictly FOB Asian girls while I liked Latinas, Whites, and Asians. I liked my girls to be assertive, witty, and equality talkative while he preferred his girl to be more passive and compliant.
We also preferred different venues. While I am proficient in day game, I still prefer night game because its more fun to me. Up until Asia, David pretty much exclusively did day game. Day game is inherently different than night game. Dealing with a hot turbo blonde in a Vegas club is VERY different than opening a passive compliant Asian girl on the street.
David is a good guy. He is one of those people who loves to seek other like minded people, collaborate, and share experiences. That's how he found me and we ended up hanging out. However, with a lot of pick up guys, we all started in a weird place in life, not necessarily perfect and we all have our idiosyncrasies. For example, we were at a restaurant and David got upset at a waitress for being too friendly. He mentioned the waitress was being fake for the purpose getting a higher tip and did not feel like tipping her. I explained that this was good customer service and that many waitresses get low base pay and depend on tips to survive. I also explained that not tipping in front of girls on a date can be a huge turn-off. I asked him if it was any different or worse to go after girls with boyfriends. His logic was, "well think of the girl working at a shitty job, and we are a better job, and if the girl chooses us, shes getting an upgraded job". We also have our differences on our what we focus. While I agree that game is important, I also focus on fitness, fashion, developing lifestyle, adhering to most social norms. I believe that being an attractive man means doing what an attractive man should do... even if it doesn't directly affect game. I have told him countless times to not wear white socks but he never listens. In fact, he sends faggotry pics like this to piss me off. It's almost like he's saying "Fuck the system. I can wear shit fashion and still pull girls".
I am not disagreeing that you can't pull with white socks, what I am saying is that bad fashion is bad fashion and just don't do it because its not attractive and furthermore, you WILL turn off some girls that DO care. The ones that do care are usually the ones with fashion sense and are likely to be hotter as well. If it lowers your probability, why do it? The sock is just an example, but things like this adds up. Bad fashion, lose a percentage of girls. Not tipping, lose a percentage of girls. Blatantly open sets with a GoPro on your head, lose a percentage of girls. Not having an ideal life style, lose a percentage of girls.
Filming Girls
I will tell from my experience, the world is small. Even with 6000 some subscribers, I get called out almost every day in Vegas clubs by guys. Also, I had three girls from Vancouver find out that that I took videos of them and one of the videos was even blurred! How the fuck... its 1400 miles from Vegas to Vancouver. If you heard the term six degrees of separation between everyone on the planet, well with even a few thousand views... you're essentially making that gap very small. In addition, the audience is going to be PUA guys who approach thousands of girls so the likelihood of them recognizing any particular girl is VERY high. My channel is only in the thousands, can you imagine how quickly things spread when the view count reaches MILLIONS? At that high of a viewcount, it is statistically impossible for an unblurred video of a girl to not find out.
Chasing validation is something many PUAs never get over. A lot of guys come from a background where we never got any girls so it feels good to get recognition when we finally reach a skill level where we are getting results. When I first started out, consistently uploading audio/video on YouTube gave me motivation to keep going and to see how I progressed. When you're new and you're low on motivation, it is acceptable to post your results. During the early phases, rejections suck and you need as much positive emotions as possible. Once you get to a certain skill level however, you need to stop the brag posts. What do I mean by brag posts? Posts that don't provide any value or insight other than showing everyone you got a number/ date/ lay.
Everyone roots for the underdog; its the struggle, the challenge, the breaking of a plateau or a sticking point. Nobody gives a shit when you already made it. Are you impressed when Lebron James makes another dunk? Are you impressed when Bill Gates made another billion or when Charlie Sheen adds another lay count to his current lay count of 5000+? The answer is no.
Issues with Race
Race issues will always come up. Its inevitable whenever minorities are present. As a fan of standup comedy, I hear racial jokes almost every night when I go to a comedy club. Its funny because people identify with them and its usually the comedian talking about his/her own race. I make light hearted racial jokes all the time and half of them are about Asian people. However, if I make a joke about a Black person, all my Black audience will be offended; if I make a joke about a Hispanic person, my Hispanic audience will be offended... even though I make fun of everyone equally and I have friends of every race.
The impact is even stronger when it involves a dominant race and a minority race. This is exactly what happened here. Asia has had a long bitter history with Europeans. I'm not going to summarize the history of Asia however a notable example would be Britain finding a scheme to steal China's riches by getting everyone addicted to opium and trading ships worth of drugs for gold and silver and eventually destroying the imperial gardens. The opium war forced China to give up Hong Kong as a part of a cease fire agreement. As you can see, there is a lot of bitter resentment in history with White people and therefore a White guy AMOGGING a random Asian will cause drama even if there were no racial motives. Just make a mental note to be careful when making infield pickup videos while in non first world countries.
Is It Easier To Pimp In Asia Being White?
No fucking shit its easier. The numbers don't lie. I have plenty of White friends who been to Asia, they all tell me the same thing. Guys who get new lays every 2 weeks often get lays every 2 days in Asia. Even guys who take training from me find much easier success in Asia. I had a Hispanic student find a girlfriend in Taiwan.
Now, this doesn't mean ALL Asian girls just want the White cock. Most Asian girls still prefer Asian men. We are genetically programmed to like the type of people we grew up with. I was born in China so I will always like Asian girls but I also lived in Nebraska in elementary school so I also like White girls. I also like Latina girls because... well who the fuck doesn't. Being White in Asia makes you stand out. Because the dialogues are in English, the guy is most likely going to lead the conversation. Guys from over seas are going to be more interesting and are going to have more stories to tell. Look at David. Because he wears a GoPro like a senior citizen wears Depend diapers, he's got a bazillion cool pictures on his phone and each one is a story. Being White is polarizing. Its kind of like being really buff or looking like a rock singer. While most girls may not like you, the ones that do are really going to like you. Combining the sheer number of sets on the streets of Asia with running numbers game and cavemanning or beastmoding, its easy to pull girls.
David is a good guy. He is one of those people who loves to seek other like minded people, collaborate, and share experiences. That's how he found me and we ended up hanging out. However, with a lot of pick up guys, we all started in a weird place in life, not necessarily perfect and we all have our idiosyncrasies. For example, we were at a restaurant and David got upset at a waitress for being too friendly. He mentioned the waitress was being fake for the purpose getting a higher tip and did not feel like tipping her. I explained that this was good customer service and that many waitresses get low base pay and depend on tips to survive. I also explained that not tipping in front of girls on a date can be a huge turn-off. I asked him if it was any different or worse to go after girls with boyfriends. His logic was, "well think of the girl working at a shitty job, and we are a better job, and if the girl chooses us, shes getting an upgraded job". We also have our differences on our what we focus. While I agree that game is important, I also focus on fitness, fashion, developing lifestyle, adhering to most social norms. I believe that being an attractive man means doing what an attractive man should do... even if it doesn't directly affect game. I have told him countless times to not wear white socks but he never listens. In fact, he sends faggotry pics like this to piss me off. It's almost like he's saying "Fuck the system. I can wear shit fashion and still pull girls".
I am not disagreeing that you can't pull with white socks, what I am saying is that bad fashion is bad fashion and just don't do it because its not attractive and furthermore, you WILL turn off some girls that DO care. The ones that do care are usually the ones with fashion sense and are likely to be hotter as well. If it lowers your probability, why do it? The sock is just an example, but things like this adds up. Bad fashion, lose a percentage of girls. Not tipping, lose a percentage of girls. Blatantly open sets with a GoPro on your head, lose a percentage of girls. Not having an ideal life style, lose a percentage of girls.
Filming Girls
I will tell from my experience, the world is small. Even with 6000 some subscribers, I get called out almost every day in Vegas clubs by guys. Also, I had three girls from Vancouver find out that that I took videos of them and one of the videos was even blurred! How the fuck... its 1400 miles from Vegas to Vancouver. If you heard the term six degrees of separation between everyone on the planet, well with even a few thousand views... you're essentially making that gap very small. In addition, the audience is going to be PUA guys who approach thousands of girls so the likelihood of them recognizing any particular girl is VERY high. My channel is only in the thousands, can you imagine how quickly things spread when the view count reaches MILLIONS? At that high of a viewcount, it is statistically impossible for an unblurred video of a girl to not find out.
Chasing validation is something many PUAs never get over. A lot of guys come from a background where we never got any girls so it feels good to get recognition when we finally reach a skill level where we are getting results. When I first started out, consistently uploading audio/video on YouTube gave me motivation to keep going and to see how I progressed. When you're new and you're low on motivation, it is acceptable to post your results. During the early phases, rejections suck and you need as much positive emotions as possible. Once you get to a certain skill level however, you need to stop the brag posts. What do I mean by brag posts? Posts that don't provide any value or insight other than showing everyone you got a number/ date/ lay.
Everyone roots for the underdog; its the struggle, the challenge, the breaking of a plateau or a sticking point. Nobody gives a shit when you already made it. Are you impressed when Lebron James makes another dunk? Are you impressed when Bill Gates made another billion or when Charlie Sheen adds another lay count to his current lay count of 5000+? The answer is no.
Issues with Race
Race issues will always come up. Its inevitable whenever minorities are present. As a fan of standup comedy, I hear racial jokes almost every night when I go to a comedy club. Its funny because people identify with them and its usually the comedian talking about his/her own race. I make light hearted racial jokes all the time and half of them are about Asian people. However, if I make a joke about a Black person, all my Black audience will be offended; if I make a joke about a Hispanic person, my Hispanic audience will be offended... even though I make fun of everyone equally and I have friends of every race.
The impact is even stronger when it involves a dominant race and a minority race. This is exactly what happened here. Asia has had a long bitter history with Europeans. I'm not going to summarize the history of Asia however a notable example would be Britain finding a scheme to steal China's riches by getting everyone addicted to opium and trading ships worth of drugs for gold and silver and eventually destroying the imperial gardens. The opium war forced China to give up Hong Kong as a part of a cease fire agreement. As you can see, there is a lot of bitter resentment in history with White people and therefore a White guy AMOGGING a random Asian will cause drama even if there were no racial motives. Just make a mental note to be careful when making infield pickup videos while in non first world countries.
Is It Easier To Pimp In Asia Being White?
No fucking shit its easier. The numbers don't lie. I have plenty of White friends who been to Asia, they all tell me the same thing. Guys who get new lays every 2 weeks often get lays every 2 days in Asia. Even guys who take training from me find much easier success in Asia. I had a Hispanic student find a girlfriend in Taiwan.
Now, this doesn't mean ALL Asian girls just want the White cock. Most Asian girls still prefer Asian men. We are genetically programmed to like the type of people we grew up with. I was born in China so I will always like Asian girls but I also lived in Nebraska in elementary school so I also like White girls. I also like Latina girls because... well who the fuck doesn't. Being White in Asia makes you stand out. Because the dialogues are in English, the guy is most likely going to lead the conversation. Guys from over seas are going to be more interesting and are going to have more stories to tell. Look at David. Because he wears a GoPro like a senior citizen wears Depend diapers, he's got a bazillion cool pictures on his phone and each one is a story. Being White is polarizing. Its kind of like being really buff or looking like a rock singer. While most girls may not like you, the ones that do are really going to like you. Combining the sheer number of sets on the streets of Asia with running numbers game and cavemanning or beastmoding, its easy to pull girls.
Lessons learned?
If you're a newbie, go ahead and post your results. If you are already getting good results, you should stop (unless there is value added). For things that are controversial, blur out the face. Just don't do AMOG videos in general unless the other guy is being a tool. Everyone always roots for the underdog. If you're non Asian and you want to get some reference experience, going to Asia is not a bad idea. Just don't put it on YouTube and piss people off.
And one last thing, not all Asians are beta. Here are pics of my Asian students with White girls.

If you're a newbie, go ahead and post your results. If you are already getting good results, you should stop (unless there is value added). For things that are controversial, blur out the face. Just don't do AMOG videos in general unless the other guy is being a tool. Everyone always roots for the underdog. If you're non Asian and you want to get some reference experience, going to Asia is not a bad idea. Just don't put it on YouTube and piss people off.
And one last thing, not all Asians are beta. Here are pics of my Asian students with White girls.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Quick Pickup Tip #1
Avoid wearing dark colored dress shirts (especially black) for day game in malls where there are a lot of kiosks and you plan on approaching in the hallways.
Many kiosk employees (a lot of them are from Israel and tend to be very aggressive selling their stupid skin care, hair curlers, or massage gadgets) usually wear dark or black dress shirts or black t-shirts). Wearing a casual shirt prevents girls/sets from accidentally thin-slicing you as a potential kiosk seller. I have heard many girls look back without paying attention and say "no thanks" to my student's opener. If possible, also wait till the set moves slightly further away from the kiosk before opening.
Avoid wearing dark colored dress shirts (especially black) for day game in malls where there are a lot of kiosks and you plan on approaching in the hallways.
Many kiosk employees (a lot of them are from Israel and tend to be very aggressive selling their stupid skin care, hair curlers, or massage gadgets) usually wear dark or black dress shirts or black t-shirts). Wearing a casual shirt prevents girls/sets from accidentally thin-slicing you as a potential kiosk seller. I have heard many girls look back without paying attention and say "no thanks" to my student's opener. If possible, also wait till the set moves slightly further away from the kiosk before opening.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Survived Yellowstone
After I wake up, we are heading to Glacier National Park, our second stop. We spent two days in Yellowstone and got a lot of great pictures. I got within 5 feet of a Bison and the bastard charged at me. I almost died. True story. I even got it on video too.
A lot of my pickup friends have gotten into photography... DJ Fuji, El Topo, RSD Alex, Sexual Chocolate, and I think Adam Lyons is working on making his own short films. I guess I was always artistic; I used to draw a lot when I was a kid. Perhaps it's because before pickup, we never did anything cool or had a social life. Now, we are in a sense compensating and feel the need to document everything. I will write more on how you can utilize photography with pickup at a later time but now, enjoy some pictures that I took.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Road stop to Old Faithful Geyser
Near Old Faithful
More of Lamar Valley
And of course, a troll picture
A lot of my pickup friends have gotten into photography... DJ Fuji, El Topo, RSD Alex, Sexual Chocolate, and I think Adam Lyons is working on making his own short films. I guess I was always artistic; I used to draw a lot when I was a kid. Perhaps it's because before pickup, we never did anything cool or had a social life. Now, we are in a sense compensating and feel the need to document everything. I will write more on how you can utilize photography with pickup at a later time but now, enjoy some pictures that I took.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Road stop to Old Faithful Geyser
Near Old Faithful
Lamar Valley
More of Lamar Valley
And of course, a troll picture
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Female Sexual Responsibility
I guess for the same reasons why you see plenty of doctors with smoking habits and pharmacists who abuse drugs... plenty of girls who appears to be good girls are terribly irresponsible when it comes to sex. From my personal experience, roughly 80% of girls won't care if you don't use a condom. This appears to be independent of race, career, education level, and how much of a clubber she is. I find that pretty alarming. I guess its not that crazy... just go to dating sites like Plenty of Fish and Okcupid and you will see how many chicks have kids.
Some personal stories here. Nurses are quite a notorious group. They always tell me they work hard and play hard and I always hear the craziest stories. The one I hung out a while back cheated on her boyfriend and doesn't care if there was a condom or not. I also dated a middle school teacher who taught sex ed class but apparently doesn't follow any of the content she preaches. When asked why she taught the class, she told me she did it for a Starbucks gift card. LOL WTFBBQ. Same with prude Asian girls. A lot of times they look goodie goodie on the surface but in closed doors, the same can't be said. But then you see girls who hookup all the time be very strict about condom use. I guess its out of necessity...
I do find girls with lots of gay male friends or roommates tend to more sexually open. This is because gay dudes have no sexual inhibitions and I am sure it rubs off on the girl. Every time I open some chick at the club who happens to be with their gay friends and I befriend the gay dude for tactical reasons, they try to get the girl to do some nasty shit. Its almost like they are helping me seed and prime sexual thoughts in her head and doing it for me.
These are just my experiences. I think ultimately unless you pry about their dating history and stuff its hard to tell on the first night. I don't usually bring it up because a lot of times, its a state break. One thing is for sure. If you pretend to put it in without a condom and she doesn't object, you're not the only one she's raw doggin.
Some personal stories here. Nurses are quite a notorious group. They always tell me they work hard and play hard and I always hear the craziest stories. The one I hung out a while back cheated on her boyfriend and doesn't care if there was a condom or not. I also dated a middle school teacher who taught sex ed class but apparently doesn't follow any of the content she preaches. When asked why she taught the class, she told me she did it for a Starbucks gift card. LOL WTFBBQ. Same with prude Asian girls. A lot of times they look goodie goodie on the surface but in closed doors, the same can't be said. But then you see girls who hookup all the time be very strict about condom use. I guess its out of necessity...
I do find girls with lots of gay male friends or roommates tend to more sexually open. This is because gay dudes have no sexual inhibitions and I am sure it rubs off on the girl. Every time I open some chick at the club who happens to be with their gay friends and I befriend the gay dude for tactical reasons, they try to get the girl to do some nasty shit. Its almost like they are helping me seed and prime sexual thoughts in her head and doing it for me.
These are just my experiences. I think ultimately unless you pry about their dating history and stuff its hard to tell on the first night. I don't usually bring it up because a lot of times, its a state break. One thing is for sure. If you pretend to put it in without a condom and she doesn't object, you're not the only one she's raw doggin.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
3 Week Road Trip To Alaska (Looking for 1 More)
If you follow my blog, you know I like traveling and also photography.
Its sort of a serene contrast to all the clubs and drunk girls I bump into every night. After this trip, I will have seen most of North America. My roommate and I are going and we found that 3 people tend to be the best number for long distance road trips. If you're interested, skip to the bottom. We are taking off this Sunday (April 27, 2014) so you have 2-3 days to get to Vegas if you want to join! Otherwise, we are going with just 2 people. If you think about it, planning a trip is kind of like planning logistics for a date!
The destinations include:
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Glacier National Park, Montana
Banff National Park, Canada
Glacier National Park, Alaska
Denali National Park, Alaska
Why This Trip?
I haven't been to any of these national parks except Yellowstone but I was 8 when I went so I don't remember anything. Also, most of the landscapes are mountainous so it is a contrast to the desert places of California and Vegas. I have never been to Alaska so this will be a new experience.
The Planning
For a trip with this much mileage, we decided it was best to rent a car. Its spring season, there are a lot of bugs, plus my VW GTI isn't exactly gas efficient. I love to snack while driving, not a good idea to mess up my car. Generally I make a spread sheet like this, which populates each day and where I am going to be. The spreadsheet will also include the travel mileage and the hotels already established. Since there will be quite a bit of drive between each destination, we can tweak the specifics at each national park while on the road. Some other considerations are obviously the data plan in Canada. I will have to figure that out soon. Planning on driving 1539 miles in one day... haha WTF BBQ, most ever that I attempt. Bring on the ADDERALL!!!
Populating this into Google maps gives a quick high level mental picture.
Here are some pictures of the national parks. Holy fucking aesthetics.
If you want to join the trip, contact me ASAP: Squattincassanova at gmail dot com.
I do realize this is a 3 week trip and most people have jobs but if for some reason you're on a break or can take this long of a vacation, let me know! We are going to take a lot of pictures. If you don't have a camera, thats fine, we can take some for you. During the trip, we will probably talk about pickup, working out, travel stories, listen to audio books & comedy. The travel expenise will be divided into 1/3rd. This will be roughly 1000$ for a 3 week trip (not including food).
Its sort of a serene contrast to all the clubs and drunk girls I bump into every night. After this trip, I will have seen most of North America. My roommate and I are going and we found that 3 people tend to be the best number for long distance road trips. If you're interested, skip to the bottom. We are taking off this Sunday (April 27, 2014) so you have 2-3 days to get to Vegas if you want to join! Otherwise, we are going with just 2 people. If you think about it, planning a trip is kind of like planning logistics for a date!
The destinations include:
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Glacier National Park, Montana
Banff National Park, Canada
Glacier National Park, Alaska
Denali National Park, Alaska
Why This Trip?
I haven't been to any of these national parks except Yellowstone but I was 8 when I went so I don't remember anything. Also, most of the landscapes are mountainous so it is a contrast to the desert places of California and Vegas. I have never been to Alaska so this will be a new experience.
The Planning
For a trip with this much mileage, we decided it was best to rent a car. Its spring season, there are a lot of bugs, plus my VW GTI isn't exactly gas efficient. I love to snack while driving, not a good idea to mess up my car. Generally I make a spread sheet like this, which populates each day and where I am going to be. The spreadsheet will also include the travel mileage and the hotels already established. Since there will be quite a bit of drive between each destination, we can tweak the specifics at each national park while on the road. Some other considerations are obviously the data plan in Canada. I will have to figure that out soon. Planning on driving 1539 miles in one day... haha WTF BBQ, most ever that I attempt. Bring on the ADDERALL!!!
Populating this into Google maps gives a quick high level mental picture.
Here are some pictures of the national parks. Holy fucking aesthetics.
If you want to join the trip, contact me ASAP: Squattincassanova at gmail dot com.
I do realize this is a 3 week trip and most people have jobs but if for some reason you're on a break or can take this long of a vacation, let me know! We are going to take a lot of pictures. If you don't have a camera, thats fine, we can take some for you. During the trip, we will probably talk about pickup, working out, travel stories, listen to audio books & comedy. The travel expenise will be divided into 1/3rd. This will be roughly 1000$ for a 3 week trip (not including food).
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Looking For Roommate in Vegas (End of June)
My roommate is currently a med school graduate and is moving to another city to begin residency work. He was a former student of mine and has currently lived in Vegas for the last 7 months. He racked up around 20-30 lays, learned most of what he needed to know in game and is now moving to further his career.
By end of June, 2014, I will need another roommate. I live in a high rise condo on the north end of the Las Vegas Strip. It is 1 minute away from Wynn/Encore/XS Nightclub. Its a two bedroom condo and is completely furnished. The cost will be $950 plus utilities per month.
This will be a great opportunity if you enjoy the Vegas nightlife or plan on improving your skills with game. Shoot me an email to squattincassanova at gmail dot com if you are potentially interested. I am looking for someone who is financially stable, clean, and has good character.
By end of June, 2014, I will need another roommate. I live in a high rise condo on the north end of the Las Vegas Strip. It is 1 minute away from Wynn/Encore/XS Nightclub. Its a two bedroom condo and is completely furnished. The cost will be $950 plus utilities per month.
This will be a great opportunity if you enjoy the Vegas nightlife or plan on improving your skills with game. Shoot me an email to squattincassanova at gmail dot com if you are potentially interested. I am looking for someone who is financially stable, clean, and has good character.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Obese Gamer, Boogie2988, Finds Love
Most of my posts are practical, task oriented, do this, do that- get shit done sort of approach. This post is more like an RSD Tyler type of post where I am just free flowing my thoughts.
I don't talk about it much these days but I used to be a hardcore gamer (still am). Played over 10,000 games of Starcraft, had a level 95 Paladin from Diablo 2, played a few thousand games of Heroes of Newerth, a few thousand hours of Team Fortress Classic and Team Fortress 2 along with huge list of other games.
Occasionally, I still watch gaming videos on YouTube. I came across this video and WOW, strong FEELS in this one. I was trying to stay alpha but it brought a tear to my eyes. I thought I had a rough childhood with physical Asian parents who were never satisfied with my achievements and also never having any friends back in high school. I am not anywhere near this guy! Once I started doing pickup and saw success, I realized I was just being a little bitch and I didn't have it that bad. I would say the same applies to my students. I have had a few hard cases but no one comes near this guy.
Anyway watch the video:
He ends up marrying this girl... not bad!
Yay, happily ever after. Now lets tie this back into pickup. Here we have a morbidly obese guy, marrying what you would consider a very attractive girl. If assessing purely on looks, the guy hit the jackpot. You could say looks don't matter. Well yes and no. What people don't realize is that girls value different traits and assign different levels of importance to them. Every girl is different.
To some girls, being funny is very important but having a six pack is not. To some girls, money is important, but personality is not. To some girls, its more important to have a strong common interest above all else. I think when people refer pickup as a numbers game, it means that there are certain probabilities of girls who value certain traits over other traits. Now, certain qualities are more universal than others for example most girls like fit bodies than fat bodies. I have actually met girls who have chubby fetishes and have literally told me that I didn't have the body type for them. Although the percentages of the general population with chubby fetishes are small, they still exist, and its still a numbers game where I had the disadvantage for that particular set. When she told me that, I was like WTF!? Some times I would play the worst game possible and the girl would magically love me for no reason. Some times I would play phenomenally solid game, be with the girl for 2 hours and I don't get a call back the next day. I would still recommend you play solid game all the time, but some times girls would randomly like you.
I have seen many of this guy's videos and I would consider him a funny mother fucker. He is also a very avid gamer so he is probably respected among his peers as well as having a huge fan base. I would assume that his girl values humor and common interest above sheer physical aesthetics.
So in theory, you COULD be yourself, not change anything at all... and still get girls (assuming you have a few positive traits). Is it optimal against the general population? Absolutely not. You may ask... how does this guy cope with his disadvantages and highlight his strengths? The answer is simple. Hes got 2 million fucking subscribers on YouTube. Even if 1% of his viewers were females, that would still be 20,000 females. And if only 1% had a fetish for funny chubby guys, he would STILL have 200 girls potentially interested in him.
Now, I'm not telling you all to get 2 million subscribers in hopes of finding girls, but what I am telling you is that having common interest is a strong way to meet people. Furthermore, finding a means to reach out to girls is also very important. I have had students who can't approach worth shit but are able to meet a ton of girls because of what they do. One guy teaches acrobatic yoga. His authoritative position plus the fact hes always hands on with the girls lets him get dates really easily. I have other students who are artists and musicians. I don't even need to explain for you to figure out why this helps them get girls.
Cold approach is still the bread and butter, the holy grail of learning this stuff. It lets you make mistakes with no consequence. It forces you plow through bitchy girls and strike conversations with girls who absolutely don't want to have anything to do with you. However, once you start getting decent with cold approach and you're seriously trying to find the right girl, there are more efficient and better means than approaching purely random chicks from clubs. Seriously, I am so sick of pretending to be interested in chicks who work in retail and chicks who study psychology, communication, sociology. Shoot my brain please.
I don't talk about it much these days but I used to be a hardcore gamer (still am). Played over 10,000 games of Starcraft, had a level 95 Paladin from Diablo 2, played a few thousand games of Heroes of Newerth, a few thousand hours of Team Fortress Classic and Team Fortress 2 along with huge list of other games.
Occasionally, I still watch gaming videos on YouTube. I came across this video and WOW, strong FEELS in this one. I was trying to stay alpha but it brought a tear to my eyes. I thought I had a rough childhood with physical Asian parents who were never satisfied with my achievements and also never having any friends back in high school. I am not anywhere near this guy! Once I started doing pickup and saw success, I realized I was just being a little bitch and I didn't have it that bad. I would say the same applies to my students. I have had a few hard cases but no one comes near this guy.
Anyway watch the video:
He ends up marrying this girl... not bad!
Yay, happily ever after. Now lets tie this back into pickup. Here we have a morbidly obese guy, marrying what you would consider a very attractive girl. If assessing purely on looks, the guy hit the jackpot. You could say looks don't matter. Well yes and no. What people don't realize is that girls value different traits and assign different levels of importance to them. Every girl is different.
To some girls, being funny is very important but having a six pack is not. To some girls, money is important, but personality is not. To some girls, its more important to have a strong common interest above all else. I think when people refer pickup as a numbers game, it means that there are certain probabilities of girls who value certain traits over other traits. Now, certain qualities are more universal than others for example most girls like fit bodies than fat bodies. I have actually met girls who have chubby fetishes and have literally told me that I didn't have the body type for them. Although the percentages of the general population with chubby fetishes are small, they still exist, and its still a numbers game where I had the disadvantage for that particular set. When she told me that, I was like WTF!? Some times I would play the worst game possible and the girl would magically love me for no reason. Some times I would play phenomenally solid game, be with the girl for 2 hours and I don't get a call back the next day. I would still recommend you play solid game all the time, but some times girls would randomly like you.
I have seen many of this guy's videos and I would consider him a funny mother fucker. He is also a very avid gamer so he is probably respected among his peers as well as having a huge fan base. I would assume that his girl values humor and common interest above sheer physical aesthetics.
So in theory, you COULD be yourself, not change anything at all... and still get girls (assuming you have a few positive traits). Is it optimal against the general population? Absolutely not. You may ask... how does this guy cope with his disadvantages and highlight his strengths? The answer is simple. Hes got 2 million fucking subscribers on YouTube. Even if 1% of his viewers were females, that would still be 20,000 females. And if only 1% had a fetish for funny chubby guys, he would STILL have 200 girls potentially interested in him.
Now, I'm not telling you all to get 2 million subscribers in hopes of finding girls, but what I am telling you is that having common interest is a strong way to meet people. Furthermore, finding a means to reach out to girls is also very important. I have had students who can't approach worth shit but are able to meet a ton of girls because of what they do. One guy teaches acrobatic yoga. His authoritative position plus the fact hes always hands on with the girls lets him get dates really easily. I have other students who are artists and musicians. I don't even need to explain for you to figure out why this helps them get girls.
Cold approach is still the bread and butter, the holy grail of learning this stuff. It lets you make mistakes with no consequence. It forces you plow through bitchy girls and strike conversations with girls who absolutely don't want to have anything to do with you. However, once you start getting decent with cold approach and you're seriously trying to find the right girl, there are more efficient and better means than approaching purely random chicks from clubs. Seriously, I am so sick of pretending to be interested in chicks who work in retail and chicks who study psychology, communication, sociology. Shoot my brain please.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Don't Be That Pickup Guy
Pickup isn't Crossfit okay? You don't fucking tell everybody that you're doing it. Its taboo and nobody outside of pickup will understand you. Don't try to convince your non-pickup friends to approach with you. Don't tell your friends. And for fucks sake, don't tell chicks you're doing it. They are all going to hold you back, and pickup is hard enough as it is, stop wasting time and energy convincing people otherwise.
Funny story, last weekend. I was with a student in a 1on1. We ended up pulling these 2 girls to go hang out with us after the club. One girl was 25ish, and the other girl was 35ish (older coworker of the younger girl). I asked how their day in Vegas was and they told me a story about this one guy who got her number early in the day during the pool party. They told me how the guy was "normal" at first, but when he got the number, he started being weird and tried to force kiss them. When they rejected him, he started bragging that he was a PUA and that he knew Mystery in person. Pretending to be dumb, I asked the two girls who he was. They said... you know that guy from the show a few years back, the "The Pickup Artist?". I was like "Oh". Then the girl said "is that guy going to NEG me now? Oh God".
Deep down I am chuckling inside. First of all, no girl gives a shit you know Mystery, and second of all, having a pickup persona doesn't make you cool. It is quite common for guys to develop this once their approach anxiety has diminished and they start seeing some success. The second a girl knows you're actively trying to pick her up, her guard is going to go up. If she knows you're systematically doing this to a ton of girls, its pretty much game over.
Even for me, I had to learn some of this the hard way. Although I thank everything I learned from pickup and it has enriched my life in so many ways. The fact I keep so much of my life online, it has come to bite me in the ass many times over. When I quit my engineering job and moved to Vegas full time, sometimes I would tell girls what I really did. Some didn't believe me and others were fascinated and wanted to know all the details but the vibe didn't feel right. Eventually I just went back to telling girls I was an engineer.
I have had countless people that I really like end up finding about my YouTube channel and blog and ultimately end up never talking to me again. Sadly but true, when a girl starts to like you, she will start getting real nosy and try to find out what you're all about and start Googling you. Since my stuff is blasted so deep across the internet, I wonder if I can ever get married one day. Who ever that girl is, she better really open minded. Anyways, learn from my mistakes. Keep your pickup endeavors a secret...unless you can make millions off YouTube like SimplePickup.
Funny story, last weekend. I was with a student in a 1on1. We ended up pulling these 2 girls to go hang out with us after the club. One girl was 25ish, and the other girl was 35ish (older coworker of the younger girl). I asked how their day in Vegas was and they told me a story about this one guy who got her number early in the day during the pool party. They told me how the guy was "normal" at first, but when he got the number, he started being weird and tried to force kiss them. When they rejected him, he started bragging that he was a PUA and that he knew Mystery in person. Pretending to be dumb, I asked the two girls who he was. They said... you know that guy from the show a few years back, the "The Pickup Artist?". I was like "Oh". Then the girl said "is that guy going to NEG me now? Oh God".
Deep down I am chuckling inside. First of all, no girl gives a shit you know Mystery, and second of all, having a pickup persona doesn't make you cool. It is quite common for guys to develop this once their approach anxiety has diminished and they start seeing some success. The second a girl knows you're actively trying to pick her up, her guard is going to go up. If she knows you're systematically doing this to a ton of girls, its pretty much game over.
Even for me, I had to learn some of this the hard way. Although I thank everything I learned from pickup and it has enriched my life in so many ways. The fact I keep so much of my life online, it has come to bite me in the ass many times over. When I quit my engineering job and moved to Vegas full time, sometimes I would tell girls what I really did. Some didn't believe me and others were fascinated and wanted to know all the details but the vibe didn't feel right. Eventually I just went back to telling girls I was an engineer.
I have had countless people that I really like end up finding about my YouTube channel and blog and ultimately end up never talking to me again. Sadly but true, when a girl starts to like you, she will start getting real nosy and try to find out what you're all about and start Googling you. Since my stuff is blasted so deep across the internet, I wonder if I can ever get married one day. Who ever that girl is, she better really open minded. Anyways, learn from my mistakes. Keep your pickup endeavors a secret...unless you can make millions off YouTube like SimplePickup.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Direct vs. Indirect
This topic has been debated probably hundreds of times and its DIRECT vs. INDIRECT. If you know a bit of history, most of early pickup stuff was predominantly Indirect. In a few years following, there was a surge in popularity for Direct Game. You probably know the arguments for both.
Direct Game
- More risk, more reward
- More authentic
- Faster escalation
- Saves time
Indirect Game
- You can't do direct game in social circle because it will make you a weirdo
- You can't do direct game in work settings or certain situations that would make it inappropriate
- Direct game doesn't work on HB10's and the really hot girls because they been hit on so many times.
I think its stupid when people fight over which is better. There is no such thing. Ultimately what is better depends on your current skill level and also your sticking points. Generally speaking, most beginners have issues with flirting, showing intent, and putting themselves on the line. Its a common sticking point for most beginners. Direct game is hands down the best way to start for complete beginners. It helps fix a lot of initial issues most beginners face and also, direct openers gives you harsher blowouts. The harder the blowout, the faster you numb yourself, and the quicker you can get out of your head, and the faster your approach anxiety fades. Eating rejections is the path to getting better. Beginners who start out indirect tend to learn it incorrectly. The girls can sense that they want something else and therefore the girls get the creepy vibe... when they feel someone has a different intention than they are projecting. Furthermore, guys who start learning pickup with indirect have a very hard time transitioning from platonic to sexual. This is why so many early guys in The Game did indirect for up to 18 months before they finally started getting lays (don't quote me I heard this from other people).
On the flip side, if you been going out for a long time and you get results and all you do is direct sexual openers and you are blatantly pissing off 95% of the girls by clawing, picking up, and doing the hand of god to every person in the should start practicing indirect!
Some additional thoughts:
Obviously, you should learn both and ultimately, pickup is a numbers game. If you're in Vegas and all you're doing is trying to get laid, then sure, go ahead and screen hard for the girls who want sex, go direct, and escalate hard. But I will tell you this... its not going to work on every girl... especially if shes not attracted to you. Direct openers will almost immediately blow you out if shes not feeling it or if shes a really hot bitchy girl. If someone put a gun to your head and told you that you had one shot to approach and get that girl, your best best is to open indirect.
On the flip side, if you been going out for a long time and you get results and all you do is direct sexual openers and you are blatantly pissing off 95% of the girls by clawing, picking up, and doing the hand of god to every person in the should start practicing indirect!
Some additional thoughts:
Obviously, you should learn both and ultimately, pickup is a numbers game. If you're in Vegas and all you're doing is trying to get laid, then sure, go ahead and screen hard for the girls who want sex, go direct, and escalate hard. But I will tell you this... its not going to work on every girl... especially if shes not attracted to you. Direct openers will almost immediately blow you out if shes not feeling it or if shes a really hot bitchy girl. If someone put a gun to your head and told you that you had one shot to approach and get that girl, your best best is to open indirect.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
So You Got a Number But You Forgot Who It Is...
Ever get so many numbers you have no idea who that person is? This happens to me all the time. I open so many sets that its almost a blur. I pretty much will forget any girl who I spend less than 30 minutes with. Well chances are she has a Facebook account. I don't know why I just found this out today but you can enter their phone number in Facebook search and if they have a Facebook account, it will show their profile.
Great for those of you jackasses who always forget their names or even what they look like but don't have the button cam like me to record every little detail of the interaction :)
Great for those of you jackasses who always forget their names or even what they look like but don't have the button cam like me to record every little detail of the interaction :)
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Girls Like Guys With Opinions (Drill / Homework)
I get a lot of guys, especially in the science and tech field that have absolutely no opinions about anything. It becomes very apparent in group settings. Some guys just chill in the background and act passive and not engaged.

"Whats your favorite food?"
"Meh, I'll eat anything."
"What kind of girls do you like?"
"I don't really know"
"Where do you like to buy your clothes?"
"Whatever is on sale"
If I get answers like this repeatedly, I will make guys do opinion drills and here is the reason. Strong opinions is what makes conversations interesting and engaging. You will notice all guys with game will have strong opinions about EVERYTHING. Even on stuff they aren't even experts in! My natural friends always seems to have an opinion and they will back it up with bullshit even though I can refute them with logic and science. Whether their opinions are right or wrong is not the point. The point is to have them because it will help your game. And here is why:
Many guys will stay in neutral topics /conversations / generalities that nobody really agrees or disagrees... nor do they give a shit about. Such topics and examples can include:
"The weather is great today"
"Vegas is pretty warm"
"Its pretty busy at the mall, there's a lot of shoppers"
"Oh you're from Canada? It must be pretty cold over there"
When a girl hears topics like this, there is no spark or fuel for any engaging conversations. Shes most likely going to agree with you because its a general boring truth and the conversation thread ends there and you are most likely going to have to ask another dumb question or attempt to transition to another conversation thread.
On the other hand, if you have strong opinions about something, she is either going to strongly agree with it or strongly disagree with it. Either way, its going to spark a conversation. Any investment from the girls end is better than indifference. I would rather a girl be totally pissed off at me arguing over some topic than her facing the other way and ignoring me.
The drill
Here is a great way to get better at this and its called doing opinion drills. I'm not going to be like other PUA newsletters that will say this instantly causes your game to increase by 1000% or that it will make you 100% in state and happy all the time but this will definitely improve your game if its an area that you are lacking in.
You can do this by yourself and its quite boring, or you can do it with a few friends. 3-4 people is ideal. Each person will write down 5 to 10 different words onto individual pieces of paper (they can be places, cities, food, names, and various other categories). Put it in a pile and then the group will each go around giving their opinions on each word.
I will start with a word and you can use this as an example:
Here are some examples of what to think when you're giving an opinion of this word:

"Whats your favorite food?"
"Meh, I'll eat anything."
"What kind of girls do you like?"
"I don't really know"
"Where do you like to buy your clothes?"
"Whatever is on sale"
If I get answers like this repeatedly, I will make guys do opinion drills and here is the reason. Strong opinions is what makes conversations interesting and engaging. You will notice all guys with game will have strong opinions about EVERYTHING. Even on stuff they aren't even experts in! My natural friends always seems to have an opinion and they will back it up with bullshit even though I can refute them with logic and science. Whether their opinions are right or wrong is not the point. The point is to have them because it will help your game. And here is why:
Many guys will stay in neutral topics /conversations / generalities that nobody really agrees or disagrees... nor do they give a shit about. Such topics and examples can include:
"The weather is great today"
"Vegas is pretty warm"
"Its pretty busy at the mall, there's a lot of shoppers"
"Oh you're from Canada? It must be pretty cold over there"
When a girl hears topics like this, there is no spark or fuel for any engaging conversations. Shes most likely going to agree with you because its a general boring truth and the conversation thread ends there and you are most likely going to have to ask another dumb question or attempt to transition to another conversation thread.
On the other hand, if you have strong opinions about something, she is either going to strongly agree with it or strongly disagree with it. Either way, its going to spark a conversation. Any investment from the girls end is better than indifference. I would rather a girl be totally pissed off at me arguing over some topic than her facing the other way and ignoring me.
The drill
Here is a great way to get better at this and its called doing opinion drills. I'm not going to be like other PUA newsletters that will say this instantly causes your game to increase by 1000% or that it will make you 100% in state and happy all the time but this will definitely improve your game if its an area that you are lacking in.
You can do this by yourself and its quite boring, or you can do it with a few friends. 3-4 people is ideal. Each person will write down 5 to 10 different words onto individual pieces of paper (they can be places, cities, food, names, and various other categories). Put it in a pile and then the group will each go around giving their opinions on each word.
I will start with a word and you can use this as an example:
Here are some examples of what to think when you're giving an opinion of this word:
- Do you think its flashy / douchey?
- Do you think its practical?
- Do you think its over priced?
- Would you ever get this car?
- What do you think about the interior / exterior compared to its competitor?
- Would you want to drive it in the city or on the tracks?
- Do you think it would be a pain in the ass to maintain?
- Do you think it would help you get girls? Would you want the types of girls it would attract?
- If you wouldn't get this car, what other car in its price range would you rather get and why?
These drills build core conversational foundations. A lot of people don't like to do them because they take effort and time. Don't expect your game to instantly skyrocket. They will take months for you to start cultivating strong opinions and also good basis for your opinions.
-Credit Psych
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