Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Quick Pickup Tip #3 - Escalators, Elevators, Store Entrances

Especially during day game, try to predict where the girl is heading. Anticipate and avoid opening near obstacles like escalators, elevators, and entrances to shops.

This is probably a no-brainer once you think about it but I see it happen a lot with students.  If you open right in front of an escalator, it is a disruption.  People tend to not want to block other people and therefore she has pressure to move out of the way.  This combined with a day game non social environment makes it twice as hard to stop a set.  You want to stop a girl right away during the opening otherwise you end up following her around like a creeper.

If you anticipate her heading towards an escalator or the entrance of a store, either run and catch up to her BEFORE she gets to the escalator (at least 15 feet prior) OR you keep your distance and wait till both of you are off the escalator, walk another 15 feet and THEN approach.


  1. Hey Cass, do you have any future plans on getting website up and running and offering anything like project go?
    Definitely be willing to pay for it over project go.

    1. what's wrong with project go?

    2. this isn't simple pickup idiot

    3. Simplepickup/Project GO is all bullshit. I've seen their videos, and all they do is cut to the segments where they say something stupid then to getting the phone number. I'm not even sure if they are trying to get laid or if their main objective is to just be a troll. I have not seen any videos where they go start to finish then bring a girl to the room. The trolling then getting the number to a complete amateur or novice is gold, but anyone that actually pulls knows:

      1. Phone numbers usually wind up flaking (a high rate flakes). You are just better off trying to pull a one night stand. I don't take phone numbers that much anymore, unless you are looking for something outside of sex (friends, possibly girlfriend, etc, etc). Paul Janka the king of daygame+numbershad about a 10% lay rate. That's too time consuming even in a busy place like NYC. Non-stop day game you can spend hours doing and have all girls flake. I've done it before and it is hardly productive. If you want sex, hit night really hard and doing it that same night. It's more efficient.

      2. Girls give out their numbers pretty haphazardly without much consideration, same thing with makeouts during night game. Great if that's all you are looking for.

    4. Their main objective is obviously trolling/pranking, but those videos are not the actual Project GO episodes, (which is something you have to pay to see). And why are we even talking about daygame vs nightgame here lol?
      Some people gonna hate, but I think other PUA coaches should learn from them how to make a proper video (I swear most of the infields out there are just too sloppy to watch)

  2. Cass's videos essentially are project go videos. It includes the topic and break down of interaction, just like project go.

    1. but better and more structured imo, which is why you'd rather pay for that than p.g

  3. What's your take on gaming in Portland or Oregon in general. What are some hotspots and how are the girls compared to LA/LV?
