Thursday, April 25, 2013

Weekly Thursday In-Field Video - Picking Up Girls In Vegas - Fast Escalation

Did a Vegas weekend with 3 guys.  It was epic.  Went to XS and then Hakkasan, the new club.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Looking for an Intern

Due to having a full time job, making the YouTube videos and updating the blog is a very tedious task.  I am looking for an intern to help me. In exchange, I will train you everything you need to know in pickup.  The following are the skills and tasks required for this position:

Tasks / Skill Sets / Requirements:
  • Web design
  • Forum posting on PUA sites / Web research
  • In-field video editing / Adobe Premiere / After Effects
  • File sharing via Dropbox
  • Assist on in-field training
  • ~15 hours of work per week
  • Available Friday and Saturday nights
  • Will require a nondisclosure agreement
In Exchange:
  • Participate in all training for free every weekend (LA and Vegas)
  • Access to all in-field video footages
  • Introduced to my social circle
  • Free access to many seminars, lair meets, and comedy shows

Basically, I am looking for a newbie with a lot of computer skills and is really motivated and is serious about getting better.

For more information, email me at

Sunday, April 21, 2013

System Overload

I had been planning a Vegas trip for a while and a new student signed up just last week who was brand spanking new: zero life time approach count. I thought to myself, what better way to start off the journey to PU than VEGAS! I mean in my head, I always have a good time therefore why wouldn't a new student have a great time? Biggest club, the hottest DJ's and best of all, tons of hot girls and unlimited sets with great logistics.

WRONG. Stimulus overload. MASSIVE Approach Anxiety.

Over the years, I have become a person who is expressive and constantly talks about how I feel and my opinions on this and that and everything in between. A lot of new guys are quiet and they tend to hold everything inside of them. This combined with AA = completely closed off.

It was Friday night at XS and Avicii was playing and everyone was happy and rolling (not us, we ball sober). To me, this was one of the best nights ever, everyone was so friendly! To my new guy, it was just too intimidating. I read in psychology, when people change, their brain tends to align their current self as how they have been their whole lives. It certainly is quite true for me. I used to be very bad at approaching and I used to be skinny, but now when I look at the mirror, I subconsciously think I was always aesthetic with no approach anxiety whatsoever!  It is only when I consciously remember my past do I realize there is a discrepancy. When guys become GOOD, many actually lose the ability to describe what it is that they are good at and lose the ability to break concepts into simpler form.  What used to require concious though, has not become unconscious sub-level, primitive motor skills.  A pro tennis player would have a hard time describing how he actually swings the racket just like how a natural would have a hard time describing what it is that causes him to attract girls.

Take opening for an example. When I DON'T open at the club, I feel weird. This is the exact opposite feeling a complete beginner feels.  To him, opening is much more painful than standing there doing nothing is better. I am thinking to my self: "If I am not opening, wtf am I doing here? There are all these hot girls, I better hurry up and open or otherwise the night is going to end, go go go! Otherwise I would rather stay at home and play Starcraft or HON". The point I am trying to make is, I have to be more conscious of what is going on in the students brain. I do believe without a doubt, a student must be pushed. Too many guys in the community just lack discipline and they may approach 2-3 sets a night and call it quits. That's bullshit. I do also think that you can push a student so hard that you go past his breaking point. If you stick on the journey, its only a matter of time when you get good; there is always a chance. The rate of growth may vary based on your work ethics.  If you quit due to overload and anxiety, the journey is OVER. I think when it comes to teaching, its riding that fine line of pushing as hard as you can without reaching that limit.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Weekly Thursday In-Field Video - Brunettes Love Asians!

Seriously, this set is so hot, I got a boner editing it.  Any more and this would be rated NC-17.
This video shows a lot of sexual escalation, suggestive topics, framing, and making her jump through my hoops.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


This video has been around for a while but its still one of my favorites. Psych is currently a coach with DJ Fuji. I've interacted with him quite a bit a year ago and hes got some truly amazing game. A lot of guys who get into PU think its beta to show interest and most people don't do qualifications properly. I will tell you something, when you do a solid qualification on a girl who's already hooked, you can see that sparkle light up in her eye. No joke.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Video of the Week: Asian Club Girls are F***ing Annoying

Here is a compilation of bad sets.  I also go ahead and explain why these Asian girls are the way they are and how to collectively as a whole prevent this bad behavior from propagating.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Follow Up On Every Number!

TFW... you forget to follow up with a girl you number closed months ago in Vegas and you realize she looks like this.  HNNNGGGGGG.  King Arthur.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

People Who Hold You Back and the Importance of Smaller Social Circles

You know who I hate even more than pretentious, annoying, self entitled Asian club girls?  Parents and friends who hold you back.  I am writing this due to a recent event to one of my students (don't worry, you're anonymous).

The week prior, he had gotten his first make out and was basically on the verge of breaking that threshold of seeing tangible results.  Then all of a sudden his family finds out hes doing PUA.  He has a strict Asian background so basically hes torn between doing PU/self development, and maintaining family order.  He picked the later... or at least in the mean time.  I can relate to this myself as my parents are also extremely risk adverse and the advice I get from them is to play life safe, work silently, don't piss off your boss, marry a wholesome woman, save money, have kids, and retire.  I mean I love my parents but I am glad I live over a thousand miles away and I only visit them for the holidays.

Let me tell you something.  PU is a journey you must fucking take in solitude.  Your family won't back you up and certainly your chode friends aren't going to back you up either.  They want to cling on to you and tell you its bad to protect their own fragile egos.  How would you feel if your neighbor all of a sudden won the lottery and gave you no money?  You probably would hate him for no reason other than the fact that he got instant success.  Nobody thinks its cool you want to talk to girls except you.  Guys will hate on you, girls will think you are a sleazebag.  Bottom line, nobody gives a shit except YOU.  You might be tempted to show off your new pickup persona, RESIST IT.  Its like Fight Club.  The first rule of pickup is you don't talk about pickup.  Fortunately, I'm not super close with my family and I didn't have a ton of friends when I started out so I was actually fortunate enough to not have anybody pull me down.  I was that guy who went out solo with the purpose of opening 20 sets a night.  Those brief months when I went out solo were the best and most crucial habit forming months of my PU journey.  Of course it didn't hurt to have one of the best PU coaches around as a mentor.

A lot of Asian dudes are into PU and almost all of my students are Asian... big surprise.  I noticed that Asians tend to have this one gigantic social circle of loosely tied friends.  This is a common trend in west cost Asian-centric areas like Seattle and LA.  Its comfortable associating yourself with this social circle, it makes you feel like part of the group.  The problem is, you have this one big social circle and if you were castrated from the group, you don't have other social circles to associate with and you would feel alone.  I see guys acting beta within their social circle in fear of being thrown out of the group.  I will tell you this:  FUCK your gigantic social circle and start making new smaller social circles.

Why you ask?  When a social circle becomes large, it loses meaning.  Most people are quite bland and ordinary and you really just get nothing out of it other than filling a hole in your soul.  Small social circles on the other hand have a purpose and tend to form stronger bonds.  People in smaller social circles tend to have specific interests.  For example here:  I have my bodybuilding social circles, photography social circles, PU and clubbing social circles, engineering and career social circles, female social circles.  Within every social circle, I have superb people who I learn from.  The best way to learn is through mirroring; form your groups wisely and they can push you to the sky.

Do you think there is such a thing as one big gigantic social circle of buff, athletic, artistic, engineers, hot girls, and all are business savvy and are very outgoing and social?  Hell no!  If you wan't to find a group of my clones, please do email me, I want to hang out with them!  This is why smaller social circles are absolutely necessary for your long term development.

If all your pictures look like this and you're always in the friendzone... I wonder why... derp.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Weekly Thursday In-Field Video: Blondie Set!

Here is a really fun, short, high energy and witty banter set with this blonde girl.

I did some self analysis at the end and also talked about Asians and Blondes in general.